Winners of the “Traveling Shepherd” Challenge

Congratulations to Narubet Butsee, Tomi Dzurovski, Aleksandar DzoniSopov, Roxanne Baril-Monfette, for winning the CDChallenge this month! Thank you so much to ALL the artists of our community who have submitted their work for this challenge, and to our supporters on Patreon.

Patreon's Challenge Rewards Picks

A HUGE thanks to Boo West, Luxame, and Aleksandra Klepacka, our 'Challenge Rewards Picks' for this month! Each of you will receive the prizes delivered to your door or directly via email. Thank you very much for supporting our community on Patreon and submitting these beautiful interpretations of our Theme of the Month!

Are you a member/fan of our community and you want to support our work? Then join us on Patreon! Doing so doesn't just help us out massively to keep the Character Design Challenge going, but it makes you vote and suggest ideas for the new Themes of the Month, discover them days in advance, and it gives you a total of 5 EXTRA DAYS to create and submit your work for the contest, every month. But it doesn’t just end here, when you post/repost your design on our Patreon page you can also win awesome prizes! 

Special Mentions

A small selection of some of the beautiful designs submitted this month for the Character Design Challenge. If you wish to see more designs created by the talented artists of our community, please feel free to visit our group on Facebook or follow our Instagram or Twitter pages, or Tumblr blog. We are going to re-share MANY other artworks throughout the month (along with the link for their portfolios and social pages), so don’t miss out, and stay tuned!

Click on any of the images below to be redirected to the artists' portfolios and websites.

Character Design Quarterly

This challenge is presented and brought to you by Character Design Quarterly, the Official Partner of CDChallenge!

Character Design Quarterly (CDQ) is an exciting print magazine for illustrators, artists, animators, and character art enthusiasts. Releasing four times a year, the magazine offers inspirational and educational articles, tutorials, and interviews from top industry professionals specifically geared to helping artists hone their character design skills. Character Design Quarterly provides a regular stream of insider knowledge and illuminating advice from experienced professionals and freelancers to help artists of all skill levels improve their workflow and designs. New issues are released at regular three-month intervals in September, December, March, and June. Subscriptions are available now!

Learn to draw like the Pros

IDEA Academy

Study with top professionals from the video game and animation industry, enroll in IDEA academy! 

IDEA Academy is a teaching centre for digital and traditional arts aimed at turning students into professionals in the creativity and entertainment fields. Courses cover a wide variety of topics such as video games, 3D graphics, concept design, cinema set design, storyboarding, 2D animation, 3D animation and illustration. Teachers are renowned professionals with extensive experience in all the major international studios, entertainment companies and publishing houses such as: Disney, Pixar, Lucas Arts, Delcourt, Penguin, The New York Times (just to mention a few).