Rebecka Petersson

Rebecka Petersson

Every step and decision made when creating concept art pieces to help inspire and guide the visual direction of a film is personal, whether or not the artist knows it. We hit several roadblocks which push us beyond our comfort zone and our box of thinking, and we make new realizations about ourselves, the story, and the characters within the story…

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Douglas de Azevedo

Douglas de Azevedo

In animation, it is nice to have a healthy competitive spirit, but we should never forget that we must always work as a team, and this aspect of our profession needs to be constantly supported. We are all part of a bigger machine and if one gear doesn't work, the whole machine can suffer…

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Jay Kim

Jay Kim

There may be a certain pressure to choose an artistic path very early on, and that's fine, but I believe it’s quite important not to be tied down to a singular path before exploring others. It's always great to explore different mediums and create various kinds of art when given the opportunity…

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Eunbi Kang

Eunbi Kang

Imagination and creativity come from the artist's observation and I think good references are all around us. Things like the ever-changing light and shadows, observing people on the street, and gazing at the sea and mountains. If you feel like you're stuck with an art piece, it's good to get away from your desk for a while and observe your surroundings…

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Don’t pressure yourself to draw constantly, take a good break and rest well. I'm always working and always pushing for 100%, and I found myself in a position where I constantly force myself to draw more and more. Eventually, I realized it always makes it worse, that’s why I believe you can't create genuine art when it's forced…

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Soyeon Yoo

Soyeon Yoo

To choose the right artistic path, try lots of things you are interested in first. Nowadays many artists experiment a lot, some do concept art and storyboarding, or do storyboarding and comics at the same time. I think It doesn't have to be one or the other. Look over your personal work, and ask yourself specific questions about what you enjoy the most…

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Kaining Wang

Kaining Wang

When I work on my own personal projects I come up with an image, some random words, or even just a moment with two characters confronting each other in my head. Then, I develop a whole set of stories and I world-build around it. Sometimes though it's the other way around: I have an idea for a world and then I design the characters that live within it…

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Hicham Habchi

Hicham Habchi

I was always inspired by characters in films, games, and comics. I had no idea where this would led me, but I knew that I wanted to draw cool characters with a specific aesthetic. This was my north star, so to speak. Younger artist should ask themselves: what is my north star? What inspires me on a daily basis? This will help you shaping your career path and it will give you the strength to achieve your artistic goals…

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Iris Compiet

Iris Compiet

The art needs to be “beautiful”, but I think it’s more important to tell the story right than to create just something pretty. A pretty picture is too much about the artist’s own ego and not about the art itself. I want to make sure I get the story across in the best possible way, and I’ll try my best to do that through my art and technique…

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Zheng Qu

Zheng Qu

Don’t worry too much about which is the most ‘viable’ option when you are in school. Just focus on improving your art fundamentals and try to find what you really enjoy. If you enjoy something immensely it’s just that much easier to find the drive to improve…

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Federico Etchegaray

Federico Etchegaray

The movie "Ratatouille" spoke to me deeply. I saw myself in the shoes of Remy as a person that wants to be creative but is stuck in a place that looks down upon it and doesn't allow its development. I could say I was at the edge of the plank about make the jump but I needed a last push, and that was that movie did for me…

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