Fight for Good

TITLE “Fight for Good”

As the holiday season approaches, it is important to remember that it is not only a time for family and festivities, but also a time to find gratitude for what you have and compassion for those who have less. Moth embraces this message in the newest campaign for the Salvation Army through The Richards Group.

They wanted the entirety of each spot to feel like a contemporary storybook that was rooted in history while having modern design. For Moth, one of the key things to get right with the look of these spots was the balance between traditional and contemporary. They needed to reference the long history of the Salvation Army, have the nostalgic warmth of the holiday spirit, but also be clearly talking about the present and situations that still resonate for individuals in 2017.

Moth prides themselves on using the beauty and poetry that animation and illustration can infuse into a narrative, creating work that appeals to a wide and diverse audience in an elegant and memorable way. We are left with an elegant tale full of kindness, generosity and tenderness that is all too needed in our current world.