Winners of the “Centaurs” Challenge

Congratulations to Antonin Jury, David Cabrera‎, Iris Muddy and to Seoro Oh, the Special Guest Juror’s Choices this month! Thank you so much to ALL the artists of our community who have submitted their work for this challenge, to Stephen Silverfor accepting to be our juror this month, and to Character Design Quarterly, the official partner of the CDChallenge, which makes this project possible.

Special Guest Juror's Message

Wow, Wow, Wow. I was simply overwhelmed by all the terrific submissions with this topic. I can honestly say I looked over every single one of them and was liking as many as I could until Facebook warned me that if I like too many they will block me. So much great work. As a teacher of Character Design and being involved in the production process and selection of designers for many years, I tend to personally react to not just one thing but a compilation of five elements. The first thing is Story- the idea, imagination, does it feel like it is saying something. 

  • Gesture - does the gesture and movement convey the story and bring life, character and feeling to the pose. 
  • Design - is it well designed, costume, placement, design principles such as clarity, balance, rhythm, harmony. 
  • Form -  is it well constructed.
  • Details -the final clean up and color. 

With so many great imaginative submissions, I was only able to pick one. I feel the one that had all these elements and made me react the most was this one by Seoro Oh

Thank you all so much for the honor of being a judge.

- Stephen Silver


Character Design Quarterly

This challenge is presented by Character Design Quarterly, the Official Partner of CDChallenge.

Character Design Quarterly (CDQ) is an exciting new print magazine for illustrators, artists, animators and character art enthusiasts. Releasing four times a year, the magazine will offer inspirational and educational articles, tutorials and interviews from top industry professionals specifically geared to helping artists hone their character design skills. This unique, engaging magazine will provide a regular stream of insider knowledge and illuminating advice from experienced professionals and freelancers to help artists of all skill levels improve their workflow and designs. New issues will be released at regular three-month intervals in September, December, March and June. Subscriptions are available now!